Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I haven't painted for four months! Which does not mean I haven't thought about it. I have been writing a book. The commitment was made back in early November, and I assumed that the writing was mostly done. Wrong! It was to be about my 4.5 years of full-time RVing, and I had kept almost daily journals the entire time. But, my thinking has evolved as I get more and more immersed in the process. I realized that selling/giving away almost everything I owned to start a full-time RV adventure was also about dealing with a health scare, a business that no longer gave me joy, and a desire to find a way to retire with limited means.

The working title is When Things Change: Your GPS for Getting Unstuck and Reinventing Your Life and the anticipated publication date is Fall 2019.

What do you do when you're feeling stuck?

Last week I gave a 10-minute extemporaneous talk at Odyssey Storytelling about the events leading me to embark on this adventure. Another first! It went well and was great fun. If you have never been to Odyssey, check it out at http://odysseystorytelling.com/

Back to art ... I spent time in December looking through the notebooks I had kept during my going back to school days in the 1990s. I thought you might be interested in seeing some of the drawings.

These drawings were done during a five-week trip to Italy with several traditional-age students and one of our teachers. Being a non-traditional-age student and taking this trip was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I'll show and tell you more when I can figure out how to put text next to the photos!

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